Captain Joe Smiley 
Captain Smiley is a 27 plus year Law Enforcement veteran
and commands the Warrants and Court Protective Services Division.
Captain Smiley has served as a Patrol Deputy, School Resource
Deputy, Warrants Investigator, Warrants Sergeant and Warrants Lieutenant.
Captain Mike Branning

Captain Branning is a 25 plus year Law Enforcement veteran and
commands the East Patrol District which includes law enforcement
services for the City of Callaway. Captain Branning also
commands the Marine Unit, the FTO Program and the
Auxiliary program. Captain Branning has served as Patrol Deputy,
Narcotics Investigator, Patrol Sergeant and Patrol Lieutenant.
Captain Jason Daffin

Captain Daffin is a sixteen plus year Law Enforcement veteran and commands the Criminal Investigations Division. Captain Daffin has
served as a Patrol Deputy, Investigator, Investigative Sergeant and Investigative Lieutenant.
Captain Myron Guilford

Captain Myron Guilford is a 29-plus-year Law enforcement Veteran
and commands the Community Services Division, which includes
the School Resource Deputies, Jr. Deputy and Explorer Program,
and our Chaplain and Volunteer programs. Captain Guilford has
served as a Patrol Deputy, a Narcotics Officer, a CPO Officer, a
Sergeant and Lieutenant on patrol, and a Lieutenant in the
Community Services Division.
Captain Stephen Jencks

Captain Jencks is a 20 plus year Law Enforcement veteran and
is in command of West District Patrol Operations. Captain Jencks
has served as a Patrol Deputy, Criminal Investigator, Patrol
Sergeant, Investigative Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant and Lieutenant in the
Professional Standards Unit.
Lieutenant John Corley

Lieutenant John Corley is a 30 plus year law enforcement veteran
and commands the Support Services Division. Lieutenant Corley has
served as a Patrol Deputy, Crime Scene Investigator, Narcotics
Investigator and Sergeant. He also commands the agency's E.O.D. unit.
Lieutenant Vicky Heath

Lieutenant Heath is a 25 plus year Law Enforcement veteran and
Commands the Civil Division. Lieutenant Heath has served
as a Communications Officer, Patrol Deputy, Civil Deputy and
Civil Sergeant.
Lieutenant David Higgins
Lieutenant Higgins is a 20 plus year Law Enforcement veteran
and commands the Special Investigations Division. Lieutenant Higgins
has served as a Patrol Deputy, Criminal Investigator, Patrol
Sergeant, Criminal Investigations Sergeant and Patrol Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Higgins is currently the Team Leader for the agency SWAT Team.
Ruth Corley, Public Information Officer 
Mrs. Corley has worked for the Bay County Sheriff's Office for
sixteen plus years and has an extensive history with media
and media relations.
Kim Cummings, Comptroller
With over 20 years of accounting and financial management
experience as well as a Master’s Degree in Accounting,
Kimberly Cummings has been the agency’s Comptroller since 2017.
Ms. Cummings is responsible for the agency’s Financial Operations,
Personnel, Purchasing and Grants. She also serves with Sheriff Ford
on the Florida Sheriff’s Association Hurricane Task Force, assisting
other agencies in the FDEM/FEMA reimbursement process.
Updated 02/17/2025