Project 25’s purpose, from its beginning, is to help the less fortunate families of our area provide gifts for their children at Christmastime. It was implemented under, then, Sheriff LaVelle Pitts, following the actions of two of his deputies.
In 1980, while responding to the burglary of a home, Deputies Tommy Doss and Jesse Clark saw a family in desperate need, with nothing for Christmas. The deputies returned to the sheriff’s office and collected money to meet the need.
The deputies’ actions in helping one family during that Christmas season has now grown into meeting the needs of more than 2,500 Bay County children in its 43th year.
In 1986, Sheriff Pitts held a contest to officially name the charity. The annual “project” leading up to the 25th of December, now had a name; Project 25. Relying solely on donations from various organizations and from citizens within the community, the charity was now a reality.
Businesses and individuals wishing to support Project 25, please contact Amanda Edging in the Community Services Division (850) 248-2159.
Rev 11/14/2024